This file can't be shared on {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders} because it appears to violate the {0}Code of conduct{1}.
These friends accepted your invitation to try {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders}, and you received an extra ...
They will be moved to the recycle bin and deleted for everyone they're shared with. To access the recycle bin, go to ...
This file appears to be open and in use by someone else. To save any changes made to it, click Cancel and ask the person ...
This file appears to contain nudity. To help prevent it from being copied and widely distributed on the web, it can't be ...
This file can't be shared on {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders} because it appears to violate the {0}Code of ...
This file couldn't be added because it's larger than {0} {1}. To add files up to {2} GB in size to {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders}, ...
This file is based on or incorporates material from the projects listed below (collectively, \"Third Party Code\"). Microsoft ...
This file is in an account that's different from your phone account. You won't be able to save changes back to this account. ...
This folder can't be added to your OneDrive. It contains a folder that you've already added, or it's within a folder that ...