Invalid format. A decimal string must contain sets of three digits between 0 and 255. Each set must be separated by a space. (i.e. "000 012 100 255")
Invalid embedded (reference) property value was found. The value object is of class type '%1', which is not '%2' or its derived ...
Invalid fileaccess value. Specify fileaccess option as xyz where x y and z are UNIX style chmod permissions between 0 and ...
Invalid fileaccess value. Specify fileaccess option as xyz where x y and z are UNIX style chmod permissions between 0 and ...
Invalid format. A binary string must contain sets of 8 digits, each digit is either 0 or 1. Each set must be separated by ...
Invalid format. A decimal string must contain sets of three digits between 0 and 255. Each set must be separated by a space. ...
Invalid format. A hexadecimal string must contain sets of two digits between 0 and FF. Each set must be separated by a space. ...
Invalid format. An octal string must contain sets of three digits between 0 and 377. Each set must be separated by a space. ...
Invalid keyboard shortcut. Please use any combination of modifier keys (Control, Shift, Alt, Caps Lock, or the Windows key) ...
Invalid keyboard shortcut. Please use any combination of modifier keys (Control, Shift, Alt, or the Windows key) in conjunction ...