Hub {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and inspecting the error message, then decide whether you need to update some of its properties or recreate the object.
Hi Azure Data Catalog team, I'm using the Azure Data Catalog preview and would like to set up a demo to better understand ...
Hi,%0A%0AI'm requesting access to the {0} {1} on {2}.%0A%0AAs the database administrator or owner of the data source, could ...
Hi,%0A%0AI'm requesting access to:%0A{0}%0AAs the database administrator or owner of the data source, could you please grant ...
Hub Name value is not valid for Pipeline {0}. Hub Name must not be specified for Pipelines with Null Activities and StoredProcedure ...
Hub {0} is not ready. Current status: {1}. If {0} is in failed state, you can investigate by getting the object and inspecting ...
I'm requesting access to Azure Data Catalog and its capabilities for data source discovery and annotation. As an administrator ...
I'm requesting access to Azure Data Catalog and its capabilities for data source discovery and annotation.%0A%0AAs an administrator ...
I'm trying to set up Azure Data Catalog for our organization, but cannot proceed because someone is already in the process ...
Invalid 'case-sensitive' parameter value for sortKeys key '{0}'. Case-sensitive value in sort paths can only be set to '0' ...