This template instance type is derived from Shape. When assigned to a template, any business logic in the templates elements will be lost when the template is created in a document. Are you sure you wish to use this type with this template?
This setup will upgrade the Disaster Recovery Adapter for Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager. It will also register ...
This share contains deployed virtual machines, so credentials will not be removed in order to avoid service interruption. ...
This site is not secured via SSL. Logging into the system is not recommended as your credentials will be transferred over ...
This storage classification is bound to a resource that is not part of this private cloud, which might make the private cloud ...
This template instance type is derived from Shape. When assigned to a template, any business logic in the templates elements ...
This template specifies options that are not available through standalone VM deployment. To deploy a VM that uses these options, ...
This template specifies options that are not supported for {0}. If you continue, the following options will be removed from ...
This usually results from the new computer name not yet being propagated to all DNS servers. This is normal for some environments ...
This VIP profile is bound to a load balancer that is not part of this private cloud, which might make the private cloud unusable. ...