Virtual Machine Manager is unable to update the operating system of the source VMware virtual machine %VMName;. The operating system, file system, or disk layout is not recognized.
Virtual Machine Manager is unable to add the server %ComputerName; as a managed computer because the operating system is ...
Virtual Machine Manager is unable to emulate the exact configuration of the source machine %ServerName;. The number of virtual ...
Virtual Machine Manager is unable to find a value for one or more required Sysprep parameters, such as FullName, ComputerName, ...
Virtual Machine Manager is unable to find host %ComputerName;. The specified computer name contains characters that are not ...
Virtual Machine Manager is unable to update the operating system of the source VMware virtual machine %VMName;. The operating ...
Virtual Machine Manager lost the connection to the virtual machine because this session was disconnected by a remote user. ...
Virtual Machine Manager lost the connection to the virtual machine for one of the following reasons: Another connection was ...
Virtual Machine Manager must shut down the following virtual machines to create the new checkpoint: %ObjectList;. Do you ...
Virtual Machine Manager requires a computer that is a member of a domain. Join this computer to a domain, and then run Setup ...