Standard page style layouts look good in all browsers that support graphics. An alternative version for text-only browsers is also created.
Stacked Column Chart Formats the graph, active chart, or selected embedded chart as a stacked column chart, replacing any ...
Stacks the text in the selected WordArt object vertically - one letter on top of the other - so you can read it from top ...
Standard colors Displays the currently available colors. To change a color, click it, and then click Modify. Affects: only ...
Standard font Determines the font used the next time you open Excel and create a new workbook. Click a font on the Standard ...
Standard page style layouts look good in all browsers that support graphics. An alternative version for text-only browsers ...
Start creating your project by assigning it a name, date, picture, and color. You can also type notes to yourself about the ...
Start Page Opens the Web address you set as your start page. You can set an Office document as the start page by using the ...
State Type the two-character state abbreviation you want Word to use. Word combines the Address, City, State, and Zip fields ...
Static Guides (View menu) Displays or hides the vertical and horizontal alignment guides on your slides. Use the guides to ...