Changing the World Wide Port Name from %Address; on virtual machine %VMName; will cause the following one or more LUNs (%Lun;) to no longer be in use.
Changing the Chart's Series property is not supported; changes to the collection should be made with its .Add/.Remove methods ...
Changing the logical switch will result in clearing the switch members and deleting any child virtual network adapters. Do ...
Changing the TreeMap's Interpolators Property is not supported; changes to the collection should be made with its .Add/.Remove ...
Changing the World Wide Port Name from %Address; on virtual machine %VMName; will cause the following one or more Fibre Channel ...
Changing the World Wide Port Name from %Address; on virtual machine %VMName; will cause the following one or more LUNs (%Lun;) ...
Changing this setting does not affect Fibre Channel ports that have already been created. To apply a new setting to an existing ...
Check connectivity from the Virtual Machine Manager management server to the host. If there is no connectivity, try connecting ...
Check Device Manager/System Devices to make sure that Microsoft Virtual Server Storage Bus is installed and functional. If ...
Check Device Manager/System Devices to make sure that Microsoft Virtual Server Storage Bus is installed and functional. If ...