The UI Factory returned a valid UIElement but it does not support WPF and cannot be used in this scenario. (Actual type:{0}).
The TypeDescriptor with name '{0}' has an invalid LobName. The LobName for a TypeDescriptor cannot be longer than {1} characters. ...
The TypeDescriptor with name '{0}' has an invalid TypeName. The TypeName for a TypeDescriptor cannot be longer than {1} characters. ...
The TypeName property of TypeDescriptor '{0}' is defined to be '{1}' which is a multi-dimension array that is not supported ...
The types System.ValueType, System.Enum, System.Delegate, System.MulticastDelegate and System.Array cannot be used as super ...
The UI Factory returned a valid UIElement but it does not support WPF and cannot be used in this scenario. (Actual type:{0}). ...
The UI Factory returned a valid UIElement that supports IVsUIWpfElement, but CreateFrameworkElement failed with error code ...
The UI Factory returned a valid view, but the view failed to create. The UI element's GetUIObject method returned error code ...
The UI Factory threw a TargetInvocationException during CreateFrameworkElement. This typically indicates a XAML bug in the ...
The underlying values array passed to this mapped object converter is invalid; it must be a single element array containing ...