IPRIPv2 could not bind to IP address %1. Please make sure TCP/IP is installed and configured correctly. The data is the error code.
IPRIP was unable to enumerate network events on a socket bound to the local interface with IP address %1. The data is the ...
IPRIP was unable to initialize the Windows Sockets DLL. Please make certain the correct version of Windows Sockets is installed. ...
IPRIP was unable to load the list of interfaces on the system: either there are insufficient resources, or no network interfaces ...
IPRIP was unable to load the list of routes on the system: either there are insufficient resources, or IP routing is disabled. ...
IPRIPv2 could not bind to IP address %1. Please make sure TCP/IP is installed and configured correctly. The data is the error ...
IPRIPv2 could not enable broadcasting on the socket for the local interface with IP address %1. The data is the error code. ...
IPRIPv2 could not join the multicast group on the local interface with IP address %1. The data is the error code. ...
IPRIPv2 could not schedule a task to be executed. This may have been caused by a memory allocation failure. The data is the ...
IPRIPv2 detected an error on the local interface with IP address %1. The error occurred while the interface was receiving ...