There was an unexpected exception when creating the SOAP request. The exception code is "{0}" and the exception message is "{1}". Please contact your system administrator.
There was an error while processing the event handlers. For more information about the event handlers that could not be processed, ...
There was an error while subscribing to management events for firmware operations (error = {0}). Ignoring the error and continuing. ...
There was an exception while closing the device %1. If the situation persists, contact your provider vendor for further assistance. ...
There was an exception while dealing with the database: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then retry ...
There was an unexpected exception when creating the SOAP request. The exception code is "{0}" and the exception message is ...
There were character conversion errors while saving the project file '%1'. Save the project file in Unicode or UTF-8 format ...
There were some errors generated during schema generation. Go to task list to view errors. Task list may be filtered, enable ...
These are the initialization properties of the provider. You can edit these properties only if the provider is in a stopped ...
These properties affect the performance of this BizTalk Server host. Use caution when modifying these properties. Refer to ...