Exchange Server 2010
- The routing group member (GUID: {1}) found in the link state information maintained by server {2} was successfully resolved ...
- The routing table lookup for the UM IP gateway failed after the UM IP gateway was created, leaving the UM IP gateway in an ...
- The Rpc Client Access server specified {0}, which is not the same value returned via the Address Book server, {1}. Outlook ...
- The RPC over HTTP Proxy component is currently disabled. This prevents Outlook Anywhere from being configured correctly. ...
- The RPC over HTTP Proxy component is currently disabled. This prevents Outlook Anywhere from being configured correctly. ...
- The RPC over HTTP Proxy component is not installed or is not properly configured. Use the Windows Component Wizard to add ...
- The RPC over HTTP Proxy component is not installed or is not properly configured. Use the Windows Component Wizard to add ...
- The RPC port range on server {2} is manually set to {9}. If RPC errors are occurring, the port range may need to be expanded. ...
- The RPC proxy server extension installed on server {2} points to a non-standard path ({5}). Please verify that this file ...
- The RPC query to retrieve the copy status for databases on server '{0}' failed. The Microsoft Exchange Replication service ...
- The RPCs for user '{1}' had a large number of failures. {2} out of {3} operations failed. This accounts for {0}% of this ...
- The RpcTcpPort value configured for the Exchange Address Book service on server {0} is invalid. It's currently set to {1}. ...
- The RpcTcpPort value configured for the Exchange Address Book Service on server {0} is not within the recommended range. ...
- The rule "%1" with the sequence number %2 was disabled due to the error %5 that was encountered while applying the rule. ...
- The rule "%1" with the sequence number %2 was disabled due to the error %5 that was encountered while applying the rule. ...
- The rule "%1" with the sequence number %2 was disabled due to the error %5 that was encountered while applying the rule. ...
- The rule "%1" with the sequence number %2 was disabled due to the error %5 that was encountered while applying the rule. ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is already in the rule trigger history. The distinguished ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is already in the rule trigger history. The distinguished ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is already in the rule trigger history. The public folder ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is already in the rule trigger history. The public folder ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is disabled. The distinguished name of the owning mailbox ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is disabled. The distinguished name of the owning mailbox ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is disabled. The public folder is %3 on database "%4". ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is disabled. The public folder is %3 on database "%4". ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is in an error state. The distinguished name of the owning ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is in an error state. The distinguished name of the owning ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is in an error state. The public folder is %3 on database ...
- The rule (%1) with sequence number %2 is being ignored because it is in an error state. The public folder is %3 on database ...
- The rule can't be created because it is too large. It has {0} characters, and the maximum number of characters is {1}. Reduce ...
- The rule can't be saved. Either the rule is larger than the size limit for individual rules, or all your rules together, ...
- The rule collection file name that you just specified already exists. Do you want to continue and overwrite the existing ...
- The rule collection you are trying to import contains older rule actions that are not compatible with the new rule actions ...
- The rule collection you are trying to import contains the LogEvent action that is no longer supported. The LogEvent action ...
- The rules on a folder are too big for the destination server. To allow the operation to complete, all the user's rules on ...
- The rules on a folder are too big for the destination server. To allow the operation to complete, all the user's rules on ...
- The Rules quota of mailbox %1 has been reached and the automatic reply rules can't be enabled or updated. Delete some existing ...
- The Rules quota of mailbox %1 has been reached and the automatic reply rules can't be enabled or updated. Delete some existing ...
- The SACL Watcher servicelet encountered an error while monitoring SACL change. Returned error %2 enumerating group policies ...
- The SACL Watcher servicelet encountered an error while monitoring SACL change. Returned error %2 enumerating group policies ...
- The SACL Watcher servicelet encountered an error while monitoring SACL change. The domain controller name is null or empty. ...
- The SACL Watcher servicelet encountered an error while monitoring SACL change. The domain controller name is null or empty. ...
- The Scalable Networking Pack is installed on server '{2}' and its network offloading features are enabled. Make sure the ...
- The scan you have requested is being prepared. Depending on the amount of data in the scan, this may take several minutes ...
- The Schema Master role '{2}' is not running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later. Exchange Server 2007 requires this ...
- The SCL threshold value is outside of the allowed range. The threshold value must be from 0 though 9. Provide a value that ...
- The scope of the management role assignments "{0}" and "{1}" couldn't be compared because the associated management scopes ...
- The script can also email reports of the database status. To configure this, admins should edit the Send-HANotificationMailCorpHub ...
- The script starts PowerShell jobs to collect the data from each server. These jobs run for the full duration that data is ...
- The search catalog could not be dismounted for the database '{0}' on server '{1}'. The files may be locked while the Microsoft ...
- The search catalog didn't become healthy after seeding. Use the CatalogOnly parameter to reseed the search catalog if required. ...
- The search exceeded the maximum number of mailboxes that can be searched at a time. Please try searching less than {0} mailboxes. ...
- The search index files for Mailbox Database %1 (GUID = %2) are invalid. They will be deleted and recreated in %3 minutes ...
- The search index files for Mailbox Database %1 (GUID = %2) are invalid. They will be deleted and recreated in %3 minutes ...
- The search name can't contain the asterisk (*) or question mark (?) characters, or any leading or trailing spaces. Please ...
- The search operation could not be completed within the allotted time limit. Please try to narrow down your scope to reduce ...
- The SearchFolder is already visible to Outlook. There is already an associated message with the information of this SearchFolder. ...
- The second highest source of RPC load is in the category '{1}'. This category accounts for {2} RPC operations/second, out ...
- The secondary address {0} is in an invalid format. The secondary address must be a valid extension or in the form ...
- The secondary WINS server address for network interface '{1}' on server {2} is blank. If primary WINS resolution fails this ...
- The security context could not be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (e.g. mutual authentication ...
- The security context couldn't be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (for example, mutual authentication ...
- The security features that are required for delivery of this e-mail message are not supported by the recipient e-mail system. ...
- The security features that are required for delivery of this e-mail message aren't supported by the recipient's e-mail system. ...
- The Security Preference change for UM server {0} won't take effect until the Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging service ...
- The seeding was cancelled for database '{0}' because the copy configuration changed on the seeding source '{1}' ( a failover ...
- The seeding was cancelled for database '{0}' from '{1}' because the database copy on server '{1}' has transitioned to failed ...
- The selected items will be permanently deleted from this folder. If you continue, you won't be able to recover these items. ...
- The selected mailbox will be enabled for Unified Messaging. Upon completion, an e-mail message will be sent to the mailbox ...
- The send or update operation could not be performed because the change key passed in the request does not match the current ...
- The sender e-mail address is invalid. There may be an error in the e-mail account configuration. Check for configuration ...
- The sender has a malformed or missing mail attribute in the directory structure. The Transport categorizer cannot deliver ...
- The sender has requested to share their calendar with a group you're a member of. However, calendars can't be shared with ...
- The sender is not authorized to send e-mail messages to this e-mail address. Possible causes: 1)The session is not authenticated ...
- The sender isn't authorized to send e-mail messages to this e-mail address. The possible reasons for this are: 1)The session ...