Exchange Server 2010
- The remote bridgehead server (GUID: {1}) found in the link state information maintained by server {2} cannot be resolved ...
- The remote bridgehead server (GUID: {1}) found in the link state information maintained by server {2} was successfully resolved ...
- The Remote Connectivity Analyzer is a Web-based tool that's designed to help IT administrators troubleshoot connectivity ...
- The remote Exchange Server 2007 {0} is not in the same Active Directory forest (Exchange organization) as {3} and is advertising ...
- The remote organization relationship {0} has flag {1} set, but the local organization relationship {2} has property {3} set ...
- The remote organization uses a different security token service than local organization. The local organization uses '{0}' ...
- The remote server for this account has been changed and no longer makes it possible to retrieve messages from the account ...
- The remote server for this account has been changed and no longer makes it possible to retrieve messages from the account ...
- The remote server {2} failed the SMTP connectivity test but is either not running Exchange Server 2007 or is not in the same ...
- The Remove-ApprovalApplication cmdlet doesn't support the Identity parameter, Instead, use the AutoGroup or ModeratedRecipients ...
- The replication instance for database %1 has corrected log file divergence. Log files after generation %4 have been moved ...
- The replication instance for database %1 has corrected log file divergence. Log files after generation %4 have been moved ...
- The replication instance for database %1 has detected log file divergence from source server '%2'. The last log file generation ...
- The replication instance for database %1 has detected log file divergence from source server '%2'. The last log file generation ...
- The replication instance for database %1 has started replaying log files. Log files up to generation %4 have been replayed. ...
- The replication instance for database %1 has started replaying log files. Log files up to generation %4 have been replayed. ...
- The replication instance for database copy '{0}' could not be restarted because a database copy is being seeded. The operation ...
- The replication instance for database copy '{0}' could not be restarted because a database switchover or failover is in progress. ...
- The request has already been removed. Continuing to contact the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service in order to ...
- The request has been temporarily postponed because a database has failed over. The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication ...
- The request is valid but does not specify the correct server version in the RequestServerVersion SOAP header. Ensure that ...
- The request to join or depart group '{0}' has expired because the owners of this group didn't respond to your request within ...
- The requested column doesn't support sort by comparison because the property is of non-integer type. Use the method "Match" ...
- The requested data move replication constraint, {0}, isn't valid for mailbox database {2} because it either has only one ...
- The requested operation failed because the message that is documented below contains HTML tags that are nested too deeply. ...
- The requested operation failed because the message that is documented below contains HTML tags that are nested too deeply. ...
- The requested operation failed due to a permissions problem encountered while accessing a remote directory. Check that your ...
- The requested operation isn't valid for an object that is of type MultiValuedProperty and has IsChangesOnlyCopy set to True. ...
- The requested search root '{0}' is not in the current default scope '{1}'. Cannot perform searches outside the current default ...
- The requested search root '{0}' is not in the current session scope '{1}'. Cannot perform searches outside the current session ...
- The requested search root '{0}' is not within the scope of this operation. Cannot perform searches outside the scope '{1}'. ...
- The required log file %2 for %1 is missing on the active copy. If you removed the log file, please replace it. If the log ...
- The required log file %2 for %1 is missing on the active copy. If you removed the log file, please replace it. If the log ...
- The required MAPI profile couldn't be created. Please verify that you have sufficient permissions to write to the MAPISVC.INF ...
- The Resource Booking Attendant is unable to resolve the legacy Exchange DN %1 to a unique recipient in the Active Directory. ...
- The Resource Booking Attendant is unable to resolve the legacy Exchange DN %1 to a unique recipient in the Active Directory. ...
- The ResourceCustom, ResourcePropertiesDisplay, and ResourceSearchProperties parameters can't be specified at the same time. ...
- The Restore-MailboxDatabaseCopy operation on %1 was successful, and production paths were updated. All logs were not successfully ...
- The Restore-MailboxDatabaseCopy operation on %1 was successful, and production paths were updated. All logs were not successfully ...
- The Restore-MailboxDatabaseCopy operation on %1 was successful, and production paths were updated. All logs were successfully ...
- The Restore-MailboxDatabaseCopy operation on %1 was successful, and production paths were updated. All logs were successfully ...
- The Restore-MailboxDatabaseCopy operation on %1 was successful. All logs were not successfully copied. Time of the failure ...
- The Restore-MailboxDatabaseCopy operation on %1 was successful. All logs were not successfully copied. Time of the failure ...
- The restored logfile %4 does not have the correct log signature. For more information, click ...
- The restored logfile %4 does not have the correct log signature. For more information, click ...
- The result object has been corrupted and is in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors have been encountered: ...
- The results reported by the script can be restricted to some subset by using the "-Database" or "-ReportFilter" options. ...
- The Resume operation won't have an effect on database replication because database '{0}' hosted on server '{1}' is the active ...
- The retention policy folder '%1' in mailbox '%2' will not be applied. The managed folder assistnat is unable to process managed ...
- The retention policy folder '%1' in mailbox '%2' will not be applied. The managed folder assistnat is unable to process managed ...
- The retention policy for folder '%1' in mailbox '%2' will not be applied. The managed folder assistant is unable to process ...
- The retention policy for folder '%1' in mailbox '%2' will not be applied. The managed folder assistant is unable to process ...
- The retention policy for the Arbitration mailbox is not available. Requests will not expire. Please assign a retention policy ...
- The retention policy tag "{0}" for auto-group approval application in Organization "{1}" does not exist. The organization-level ...
- The RfrHttpPort value configured for the Exchange Address Book Service on server {0} has changed. The port is currently set ...
- The RMS template "{0}" has changed from Distributed to Archived. NDRs may occur when Transport Protection Rules use archived ...
- The RMS template you're trying to use is corrupted or malformed. Please recreate the template on your RMS server and try ...
- The RMS trusted publishing domain (TPD) {0} is configured as the default RMS TPD. Removing the default TPD will cause all ...
- The role assignment policy "{0}" you specified is outside of the organization "{1}" where the management role assignment ...
- The RoleAssignee parameter was specified. The cmdlet will attempt to resolve the value in the {0} configuration naming context ...
- The room mailbox is for room scheduling and is not owned by a user. The user account associated with resource mailbox will ...
- The room mailbox was created successfully, but some properties weren't saved. Close this message, then in the Mailboxes list, ...
- The root directory "%s" can't be used as the installation directory. Please specify a folder in which to install Exchange. ...
- The root of a folder hierarchy synchronization cannot be set to the id of a public folder. Use FindFolder to synchronize ...
- The routing group (GUID: {1}) does not exist in Active Directory. However, the link state information maintained by server ...
- The routing group (GUID: {1}) does not exist in Active Directory. However, the link state information maintained by server ...
- The routing group (GUID: {1}) does not exist in Active Directory. However, the link state information maintained by server ...
- The routing group (GUID: {1}) does not exist in Active Directory. However, the link state information maintained by server ...
- The routing group (GUID: {1}) found in the link state information maintained by server {2} cannot be resolved to an object ...
- The routing group (GUID: {1}) found in the link state information maintained by server {2} was successfully resolved to the ...
- The routing group for Exchange server %1 was not determined in routing tables with timestamp %2. Recipients will not be routed ...
- The routing group for Exchange server %1 was not determined in routing tables with timestamp %2. Recipients will not be routed ...
- The routing group master (GUID: {1}) found in the link state information maintained by server {2} cannot be resolved to an ...
- The routing group master (GUID: {1}) found in the link state information maintained by server {2} was successfully resolved ...
- The routing group member (GUID: {1}) found in the link state information maintained by server {2} cannot be resolved to an ...