Spelling: Make sure that all words are spelled correctly, and that numbers and letters (such as l and 1) are not switched.
Speech recognition will not currently work. Speech recognition works best in a quiet environment with a high-quality, close-talk ...
Spell check, generate synonyms from the thesaurus, translate text into another language, and other tools to help you refine ...
Spell checking is not available for the default language. Choose one of the following languages and click OK to continue ...
Spelling mistakes are found on multiple fields. Click "Next Field" to ignore the misspellings in the current field and see ...
Spelling: Make sure that all words are spelled correctly, and that numbers and letters (such as l and 1) are not switched. ...
spell_lang,user_dict,suggest_main_only,ignore_caps,ignore_mixed_digits,ignore_file_names,grmn_use_postreform,kor_combine ...
SPHierarchyDataSourceControl needs an SPWeb in order to work. Please use SPHierarchyDataSourceControl(SPWeb web) and pass ...
SPI (schedule performance index) shows the ratio of the budgeted cost of work performed to the budgeted cost of work scheduled. ...
Split one task into two separate parts. Position the pointer on your task bar where you want the split to happen, and then ...