%1!s! [component = ] component [state = ] ENABLED|DISABLED Enables or disables extended tracing for the given component. component - the component (use '*' to denote all components)
s You do not have permission to save in this directory. See the administrator to obtain permission. Would you like to save ...
s! - %2!s! is not a valid filter specification. The first IP address specified in the filter must be lower than the second ...
s! answerfile = answerfile Repairs the installation of all Remote Access components. answerfile - the answerfile name. If ...
s! component = component Shows whether tracing for the given component is enabled. If no component is specified, shows the ...
s! component = component state = ENABLED|DISABLED Enables or disables extended tracing for the given component. component ...
s! domain = domain server = server Displays whether the given computer is registered as a Remote Access server in the given ...
s! domain = domain server = server Registers the given Windows computer as a Remote Access server in the Active Directory ...
s! domain = domain server = server Un-registers the given Windows computer as a Remote Access server in the Active Directory ...
s! firstnet = address size = size Sets Remote Access server's IPX address pool firstnet - the first IPX network number in ...