The library which contains this symbol is not referenced by the current project, so the symbol is undefined. Would you like to add a reference to the containing library now?
The layout applied to this SmartArt graphic is not supported in the current Microsoft Office system. To edit this graphic, ...
The layout definition for a pyramid diagram with accent shapes must contain a grandchild layout node with the name specified ...
The layout definition for a pyramid diagram with accent shapes must specify height, width, centerX and centerY constraints ...
The layout definition for a pyramid diagram with accent shapes must use the composite algorithm for its child layout nodes. ...
The library which contains this symbol is not referenced by the current project, so the symbol is undefined. Would you like ...
The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the ...
The macros in this project are disabled. Please refer to the online help or documentation of the host application to determine ...
The MathML translator, ,is either missing or cannot be used due to errors in its definition file. cannot generate MathML ...
The maximum number of data points you can use in a data series for a 2-D chart is 32,000. If you want to use more than 32,000 ...