!EqnPrefSaveNew!Save to Preferences for New Equations!Use the current equation's styles, sizes, and spacing for new equations
Enter your password to connect to Microsoft Exchange.Your Microsoft Exchange password might not be saved or the saved password ...
Entity names, PI targets, notation names and attribute values declared to be of types ID, IDREF(S), ENTITY(IES) or NOTATION ...
EqnPrefLoadFactory!Load from Default Settings.!Restore the current equation's styles, sizes, and spacing from 's default ...
EqnPrefLoadNew!Load from Preferences for New Equations!Load the current equation's styles, sizes, and spacing from the preferences ...
EqnPrefSaveNew!Save to Preferences for New Equations!Use the current equation's styles, sizes, and spacing for new equations ...
Erase BorderRemoves a table cell line and merges the contents of the adjacent cells. Click the Eraser button, and then drag ...
error_val!Returns a number matching an error value.!is the error value for which you want the identifying number, and can ...
Euro Currency StyleApplies the Euro Currency Style to the selected cells. To change the currency style, use the Style command ...
Excel 4.0 (XLM) macros may contain viruses. To remove the macros and open the file, click Open and Remove Macros. To keep ...