WARNING: Changing this options changes how multiple best price and compound discounts interact on the same product. This will result in a different total discount in most cases.
Warning! Terminating the database operation is irreversible. The action you're about to take can't be undone and might have ...
Warning! There is no %1 defined. It is recommended that you provide a value for %1 in the System parameters form prior to ...
Warning: Bank account %1 is in use with open transactions and you entered an Active date that has not yet occurred. If you ...
Warning: Bank account %1 is in use with open transactions, and you entered an expiration date which inactivates the bank ...
WARNING: Changing this options changes how multiple best price and compound discounts interact on the same product. This ...
Warning: If you have entered any fields on this form, they will be cleared and replaced with the existing position value. ...
Warning: If you switch scenarios, any data that was part of the previous scenario might be lost. Also, the sample data with ...
Warning: Modifying a recent recording will overwrite the previous version if you do not change the name of the recording. ...
Warning: Removing fields will remove those fields in addition to related subtotals from this report. Do you want to continue? ...