Merging the current term into the one you have selected will collapse all the synonyms, translations, and custom properties of this term into the selected target term. A reused version of this term will reside in both term sets. Although content already tagged with this term will continue to be tagged as before, the merging of two terms is irreversible. Select OK to merge.
Members of this group can edit lists, document libraries, and pages in the site. Designers can create Master Pages and Page ...
Members of this group can view pages and documents, but cannot view historical versions or review user rights information. ...
Merge is not allowed for those two Terms. The source Term and the target Term of merge are reused in the same term set. They ...
Merging the current term into the one you have selected will collapse all the synonyms, translations, and custom properties ...
Merging the current term into the one you have selected will collapse all the synonyms, translations, and custom properties ...
Meta Description is a site column created by the Publishing feature. Internet search engines may display this description ...
Meta Keywords is a site column created by the Publishing feature. Authors can specify keywords to indicate the intent of ...
Meta tags are invisible bits of code that search engines often use to index Web sites. These meta tags can help search engines ...
Metadata discovery cannot continue. The assembly {1} referenced in this system is not present in the Global Assembly Cache ...