'%1' failed to allocate resources while connecting to a virtual network: %4 (%5) (Virtual Machine ID %2). The Ethernet switch may not exist.
Failed to adjust renamed file map during alternate location restore of virtual machine '%1': %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID ...
failed to allocate a connection to a virtual network: %4 (%5) (Virtual Machine ID %2). The Ethernet switch may not exist. ...
failed to allocate a virtual function because the switch to which the virtual NIC is connected to is not in SR-IOV mode. ...
failed to allocate a virtual function: %7 (%8): IOV networking might be incompatible with other configured networking features. ...
failed to allocate resources while connecting to a virtual network: %4 (%5) (Virtual Machine ID %2). The Ethernet switch ...
Failed to apply current backup checkpoint during restore of virtual machine '%1': %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2). The restored ...
Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "%1" to "%2". Redirection options=%3. The following error occurred: "%4". Error ...
Failed to apply policy to keep folder "%1" at the same location. Redirection options=%2. The following error occurred: "%3". ...
Failed to assign Virtual FibreChannel Switch (Name: %2) to a Virtual FibreChannel Connection Pool (Virtual SAN) with PoolId: ...