This version of Visual Studio requires Internet Explorer 10 which is currently not installed on your computer. Please !$![[IE10FwlinkId]]&clcid=[[clcid]],install Internet Explorer 10!@! and then retry installing Visual Studio.
This version of Visual Studio is !$![Win81PreRelBlockFwlinkId]&clcid=[clcid],not compatible!@! ...
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version ...
This version of Visual Studio requires a computer with a !$![MinOsLevelFwlinkId]&clcid=[clcid],newer ...
This version of Visual Studio requires a computer with a !$![WinBlueFwlinkId]&clcid=[clcid],newer ...
This version of Visual Studio requires Internet Explorer 10 which is currently not installed on your computer. Please !$ ...
This version of Visual Studio works best with !$![IE10FwlinkId]&clcid=[clcid],Internet ...
This virtual machine does not meet networking requirements. An administrator may use tfsconfig tool to check the network ...
This visual state group is connected with the application views and orientations exposed in the Device Panel. In this group, ...
This visualizer requires local execution of code loaded from the remote machine. Before clicking OK, ensure that the remote ...