Create a block of results shown along with the core results. You can specify the query that fills the block with results and how the block looks.
Crawl database refactoring task failed because it was unable to move data from crawl database '{0}' to crawl database '{1}' ...
Crawled properties are automatically extracted from crawled content. Users can perform queries over managed properties. Use ...
Crawling of documents was stopped. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product ...
Crawling of this item failed, HTTP 504: Gateway Timeout. Try accessing the item using a browser on the crawl machine. If ...
Create a block of results shown along with the core results. You can specify the query that fills the block with results ...
Create a file that includes all customized query rules, result sources, result types, ranking models and site search settings ...
Create and modify configuration of query client types which are used to identify querying clients so as to prioritize query ...
Create and modify query rules to promote important results, show blocks of additional results, and even fine-tune ranking. ...
Create and modify sources you can query for results. This includes filtered results from SharePoint as well as results from ...