The pre-Windows 2000 logon name %2 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > @ " If you continue Windows will replace these characters with underscores ('_'). Do you want to continue?
The pre-Windows 2000 computer name %2 is not a valid computer name. It may contain illegal characters. Standard names contain ...
The pre-Windows 2000 group name %1 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ : ; | = , + ? < > " If you ...
The pre-Windows 2000 group name %2 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ : ; | = , + ? < > " If you ...
The pre-Windows 2000 logon name %1 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ : ; | = , + ? < > @ " If ...
The pre-Windows 2000 logon name %2 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ : ; | = , + ? < > @ " If ...
The pre-Windows 2000 logon name you have chosen is already in use in this domain. Choose another pre-Windows 2000 logon name, ...
The pre-Windows 2000 user name contains invalid characters. You must specify a name that includes only letters and numbers. ...
The prefix map could not be read during schema initialization. This may be due to corruption or inconsistency of the database. ...
The presence of a daughter card has been detected. A new line with settings identical to the first line has been automatically ...