Restore failed because a disk which was critical at backup is excluded. To continue you need to either remove the disk from exclusion list or detach it from machine or clean it using DiskPart utility, and then retry restore. If you cannot clean or detach it then change the disk signature using DiskPart command UNIQUEID DISK ID.
Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer must be restarted. Until this computer ...
Restart Required: To complete the installation of the following updates, the computer will be restarted within %1 minutes: ...
Restart the server to complete the operation. Note: Please wait while the system state recovery operation attempts to recover ...
Restart-Computer activity cannot be run because both localhost and managed nodes are provided in the ComputerName parameter. ...
Restore failed because a disk which was critical at backup is excluded. To continue you need to either remove the disk from ...
Restore files and directories This security setting determines which users can bypass file, directory, registry, and other ...
Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" ...
Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" ...
Restore missing connectivity settings The 6to4 component is missing required settings. These can be restored automatically. ...