"{0}" SQL instance name invalid. SQL instance names are limited to 16 characters and may only contain Unicode letters, numbers, dollar sign ($), and underscore (_). It must also start with a Unicode character.
SQL 2005 backwards compatibility is required when installing "{0}" on "{1}". For details, see the following log file: "{2}" ...
SQL 2005 backwards compatibility is required when uninstalling "{0}" from "{1}". For details, see the following log file: ...
SQL 2005 backwards compatibility is required when uninstalling "{0}" from "{1}". For details, see the following log file: ...
SQL instance name invalid. SQL instance names are limited to 16 characters and may only contain Unicode letters, numbers, ...
SQL instance name invalid. SQL instance names are limited to 16 characters and may only contain Unicode letters, numbers, ...
SQL instance name invalid. SQL instance names are limited to 16 characters and may only contain Unicode letters, numbers, ...
SQL instance name invalid. SQL instance names are limited to 16 characters and may only contain Unicode letters, numbers, ...
SQL Server '{0}' cannot host stores because it already contains a witness SQL Server instance. Specify a different SQL Server. ...
SQL Server 2005 Backwards Compatibility Components must be installed on this computer for connecting to SQL Server 2008 Express ...