Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump). A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Deleting a partition on a dynamic disk can delete all dynamic volumes on the disk, thus destroying any data and leaving the disk in a corrupt state. To delete a dynamic volume, always use the delete volume command instead. Partitions can be deleted from dynamic disks, but they should not be created. For example, it is possible to delete an unrecognized GUID Partition Table (GPT) partition on a dynamic GPT disk. Deleting such a partition does not cause the resulting free space to become available. This command is intended to allow reclamation of the space on a corrupted offline dynamic disk in an emergency situation where the clean command cannot be used. Example: DELETE PARTITION
Deletes a specific subscription and unsubscribes from all event sources that deliver events into the Event Log for the subscription. ...
Deletes accounting information without archiving. For deleting with archiving data use /Get:Acc /Archive command. wsrmc /Delete:acc ...
Deletes key protection methods. All key protectors are removed unless optional parameters are used. To allow continued access ...
Deletes one or more files. DEL /P /F /S /Q /A[:]attributes names ERASE /P /F /S /Q /A[:]attributes names names Specifies ...
Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION NOERR OVERRIDE NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, ...
Deletes the selected volume. Syntax: DELETE VOLUME NOERR NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart ...
Deletes the specified Process Matching Criteria. wsrmc /Delete:Pmc /y pmc-name Process Matching Criteria to be deleted. '\' ...
Deletes the specified Resource Allocation Policy. wsrmc /Delete:Pol /y policy-name Name of Policy to be deleted. '\' will ...
Deletes the specified Terminal. The function takes one parameter, the Terminalname. The call returns zero on success and ...