Worker process exited prematurely. The process will be automatically restarted. Process: '%1' Exit Code: %2!_HRX! (%3!_HRM!).
Windows PowerShell runtime exception is thrown while running the Provisioning service. TenantId: '%1' Message=%2 Exception: ...
with identity "{1}" already exists. To modify the existing item, use the Set- cmdlet. To create a new item, use a different ...
with identity "{1}" already exists. To modify the existing item, use the Set- cmdlet. To create a new item, use a different ...
Worker process exited prematurely too many times. It will not be restarted. Process: '%1' Cause: This could happen due to ...
Worker process exited prematurely. The process will be automatically restarted. Process: '%1' Exit Code: %2!_HRX! (%3!_HRM!). ...
Workflow could not be started because the workflow validation failed. Error Message: %1 Cause: Misconfigured workflow. Resolution: ...
Workflow has settings that are not valid. The workflow '%1' with GUID '%2' has settings that are not valid and will be terminated: ...
Workflow runtime was created, the necessary workflow services have been added, and the runtime was successfully started. ...
Workflow was terminated because an unhandled exception occurred during its execution. Workflow with GUID '%1' was terminated ...