The date/time is converted to the RFC1123 standard format. It follows the custom pattern 'ddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss G\MT'. Note that the 'M' in 'GMT' needs an escape character so it is not interpreted.
The DATA_COMPRESSION option was specified more than once for the table, or for at least one of its partitions if the table ...
The date frequency level is required. If you do not want it to be visible, you can hide this attribute in the dimension editor. ...
The date part parameter specified for function "%1!s!" is not valid. It must be a static string. The date part parameter ...
The date provided is before the start of the Hijri calendar which in Microsoft's 'Kuwaiti Algorithm' is July 15th, 622 C.E. ...
The date/time is converted to the RFC1123 standard format. It follows the custom pattern 'ddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss G\MT'. ...
The date/time is converted to the RFC1123 standart format. It follows the custom pattern 'ddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss G\MT'. ...
The date/time is converted to the universal full format. Pattern is always the same regardless of culture or format provider. ...
The date/time is converted to the universal sortable format. Pattern is always the same regardless of culture or format provider. ...
The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try ...