One or more data sources that are required to open this form are not available. They may be temporarily offline or your computer might not be connected to the network.
One of the required values for submitting the form is missing. The value is created using the following XPath expression: ...
One or more buttons have the same ID property as this one. The actions associated with the buttons may not execute correctly. ...
One or more data connections in your form are specified with a server-relative link, but no publish location has been defined ...
One or more data sources that are required to open this form are not available, because your computer is not connected to ...
One or more data sources that are required to open this form are not available. They may be temporarily offline or your computer ...
One or more digital signatures in this form could not be verified. To modify parts of the form that have been digitally signed, ...
One or more form templates with this file name already exist on the server. You may encounter problems from activation if ...
One or more hyperlinks in the Microsoft Office Word document contain Word Markup Language (WordML) code that cannot be imported. ...
One or more margins are set outside of the printable area of the page. If you keep the current margin settings, part of your ...