You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus.@Try one of the following: * Move the focus to the control before you reference the property. In Visual Basic code, use the SetFocus method. In a macro, use the GoToControl action. * Reference or set the property from a macro or event procedure that runs when the GotFocus event for the control occurs.@@2@1@6215@1
You can't paste beyond the end of a table.@You have attempted to paste fields beyond the 255th row in a table in Design view.@1@1 ...
You can't place a form (or report) within itself.@Select or enter a different form or report to serve as the subform or subreport.@1@1 ...
You can't print the scrollable (unfrozen) columns on the datasheet.@The frozen columns are wider than the page. Do you want ...
You can't put these in a text box, but you can put them in a frame. Press the button below to convert this text box to a ...
You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus.@Try one of the following: Move the ...
You can't reference other PowerPoint presentations. To share Visual Basic for Applications code, save your presentation as ...
You can't remove this user account from group '|1.'@* You may have tried to remove a user account from the default Users ...
You can't replace the current value of the field with the replacement text.@Resolve any errors before making further replacements.@1@1 ...
You can't run an update query on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the table, you can't ...