ResourceAssociationSets '{0}' and '{1}' have a ResourceAssociationSetEnd referring to the same EntitySet '{2}' through the same AssociationType. Make sure that if two or more AssociationSets refer to the same AssociationType, the ends must not refer to the same EntitySet. For CLR context, this could happen if multiple entity sets have entity types that have a common ancestor and the ancestor has a property of derived entity types.
Resource lookup fell back to the ultimate fallback resources in a satellite assembly, but that satellite either was not found ...
Resource type '{0}' was registered by DataServiceConfiguration.EnableAccess(), however it no longer exists in the data service ...
Resource type in the ResourceScope enum is going from a more restrictive resource type to a more general one. From: "{0}" ...
Resource type in the ResourceScope enum is going from a more restrictive resource type to a more general one. From: "{0}" ...
ResourceAssociationSets '{0}' and '{1}' have a ResourceAssociationSetEnd referring to the same EntitySet '{2}' through the ...
ResourceManager base name should not end in '.resources'. It should be similar to 'MyResources', which the ResourceManager ...
ResourceSet derived classes must provide a constructor that takes a String file name and a constructor that takes a Stream. ...
Restarts MSDTC to make changes active immediately. If not specified, the changes will take effect when MSDTC is next started. ...
restriction' or 'extension' child is required for complexType '{0}' in namespace '{1}', because it has a simpleContent or ...