Usage: DReplay.exe {preprocess|replay|status|cancel} [options] [-?]} Verbs: preprocess Apply filters and prepare trace data for intermediate file on controller. replay Transfer the dispatch files to the clients, launch and synchronize replay. status Query and display the current status of the controller. cancel Cancel the current operation on the controller. -? Display the command syntax summary. Options: dreplay preprocess [-m controller] -i input_trace_file -d controller_working_dir [-c config_file] [-f status_interval] dreplay replay [-m controller] -d controller_working_dir [-o] [-s target_server] -w clients [-c config_file] [-f status_interval] dreplay status [-m controller] [-f status_interval] dreplay cancel [-m controller] [-q] Run dreplay-? for detailed help on each verb.
Usage of deprecated index option syntax. The deprecated relational index option syntax structure will be removed in a future ...
Usage: dreplay preprocess -m controller -i input_trace_file -d controller_working_dir -c config_file -f status_interval -? ...
Usage: dreplay replay -m controller -d controller_working_dir -o -s target_server -w clients -c config_file -f status_interval ...
Usage: dreplay status -m controller -f status_interval Options: -m Computer name of controller -f Frequency(in seconds) at ...
Usage: DReplay.exe {preprocess|replay|status|cancel} options -?]} Verbs: preprocess Apply filters and prepare trace data ...
Usage: EXECUTE xp_sqlagent_monitor @command = 'START', @netsend = ' ', @restart = or EXECUTE xp_sqlagent_monitor @command ...
usage: Sqlcmd -U login id -P password -S server -H hostname -E trusted connection -N Encrypt Connection][-C Trust Server ...
usage: Sqlcmd -U login id -P password -S server -H hostname -E trusted connection -N Encrypt Connection][-C Trust Server ...
Usage: ssms.exe -S server_name[\instance_name -d database -U user -P password -E -nosplash file_name[, file_name]* -? -S ...