CLR assembly '%s' was imported from a type library and cannot be re-exported to a type library. Make sure the type library from which the assembly was imported is registered.
Close message was received by client security session.TraceCodeSecurityClientSessionKeyRenewed=Client security session renewed ...
Close these applications and click Retry to continue the installation. Selecting Ignore will result in a reboot at the end ...
Close timed out after {0}. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Close or increase the CloseTimeout value on the ...
CLR assembly '%2' was imported from a type library and cannot be re-exported to a type library. Make sure the type library ...
CLR assembly '%s' was imported from a type library and cannot be re-exported to a type library. Make sure the type library ...
CLR namespace '{2}' has already been mapped to data contract namespace '{0}'. It cannot be mapped to another data contract ...
Code from a trusted zone is granted the Internet permission set. This permission set grants the right to use isolated storage ...
Code group grants code from the Internet zone the Internet permission set. This permission set grants Internet code the right ...
Code group grants the intranet permission set to code from the intranet zone. This permission set grants intranet code the ...