MSB3580: The assembly in file "{0}" has an assembly culture, indicating it is a satellite assembly for culture "{1}". But satellite assembly simple names must end in ".resources", while this one's simple name is "{2}". This is either a main assembly with the culture incorrectly set, or a satellite assembly with an incorrect simple name.
MSB3572: StronglyTypedClassName, StronglyTypedNamespace, and/or StronglyTypedFileName parameters were passed in, but no StronglyTypedLanguage. ...
MSB3573: The language for a strongly typed resource class was specified, but more than one source file was passed in. Please ...
MSB3576: Creating the CultureInfo failed for assembly "{2}". Note the set of cultures supported is Operating System-dependent, ...
MSB3578: This assembly contains neutral resources corresponding to the culture "{0}". These resources will not be considered ...
MSB3580: The assembly in file "{0}" has an assembly culture, indicating it is a satellite assembly for culture "{1}". But ...
MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework "{0}" were not found. To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack ...
MSB3645: .NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1 was not found. In order to target "{0}", .NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1 or ...
MSB3654: Delay signing requires that at least a public key be specified. Please either supply a public key using the KeyFile ...
MSB3676: Could not move the file "{0}" to the destination file "{1}", because the destination is a folder instead of a file. ...