Offline metadata information appears to be corrupted. Try going back online, or rerun the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Configuration Wizard.
Offline capability isn't supported in Windows 7 or lower and 32-bit versions of Windows. Please upgrade to a compatible version ...
Offline capability isn't supported in Windows 7 or lower and 32-bit versions of Windows. To continue, we'll upgrade you to ...
Offline capability isn't supported in Windows 7 or lower and 32-bit versions of Windows. We'll upgrade you to Dynamics 365 ...
Offline data storage and synchronization are not supported on this version of Android. You must ensure that all your operations ...
Offline metadata information appears to be corrupted. Try going back online, or rerun the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Configuration ...
Offline sync isn't yet available for you. Ask your Dynamics 365 administrator to set up a mobile offline profile for you. ...
Often there are no specific requirements for the number sequences to be continuous. This applies to all the number sequences ...
OKATO is not specified in the vendor card for entered tax code. Vendor is selected in tax authority which linked to tax code ...
Old %1 service ledger entries have been found for service contract %2.\You must close them by posting the old service invoices. ...