TextField doesn't support combining AutoSize and MultipleLine options. To create a multiple line TextField that resizes when its parent shape changes, use shape anchoring.
Text cannot be copied in the document because the ending location of '{0}' is before the current cursor position of '{1}'. ...
Text keyword Sets the string comparison method specified in Option Compare to a text sort order that is not case sensitive. ...
text()" returns all text in the document. "descendant::text()" selects all the text that is a descendant of the context node. ...
Text: Use a single pipe character "|" to mark the caret position after insertion. Add a second pipe character to create a ...
TextField doesn't support combining AutoSize and MultipleLine options. To create a multiple line TextField that resizes when ...
TF10109: Source control cannot locate the source control service on Team Foundation Server {0}. Check that you have a network ...
TF10131: The shelveset name {0} contains more than 64 characters, contains one of the following characters: "/:<>\|*?; or ...
TF10131: The workspace name {0} contains more than 64 characters, contains one of the following characters: "/:<>\|*?; or ...
TF10148: Some changes contained within the shelveset {0} were not unshelved. To remove the shelveset from the server delete ...