IAsyncResult interface passed is not valid because it was not created as a result of an asynchronous request on this object.
HTTP could not register URL {0} because the MaxEndpoints quota has been exceeded. To correct this, either close other HTTP-based ...
HTTP could not register URL {0}. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace (see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=70353 ...
HTTP request streaming cannot be used in conjunction with HTTP authentication. Either disable request streaming or specify ...
I have read, understood, and agreed on the terms of the End-User License Agreement and so signify by clicking "I accept the ...
IAsyncResult interface passed is not valid because it was not created as a result of an asynchronous request on this object. ...
IComparer (or the IComparable methods it relies upon) did not return zero when Array.Sort called x. CompareTo(x). x: '{0}' ...
ID2004: IAsyncResult must be the AsyncResult instance returned from the Begin call. The runtime is expecting '{0}', and the ...
ID3002: WSTrustServiceContract could not create a SecurityTokenService instance from WSTrustServiceContract.SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration. ...
ID3022: The WSTrustServiceContract only supports receiving RequestSecurityToken messages. If you need to support more message ...