One or more branch distribution points are targeted for this (package or deployment). This (package or deployment) can only be transferred to the branch distribution point if it also is targeted to a BITS enabled standard distribution point.
number of surplus licenses of "%2" (ProdRef="%3") were removed from the software metering server "%4" and added to the license ...
ODBC Tracing is currently enabled on the software metering server "%1". This can have a serious effect on the performance ...
On the dialog 2 the next control pointers do not form a cycle. There is a pointer from 3 to 4], but there is no further pointer ...
One or more advertised programs are about to run. If you shut down Windows, these programs will not run until Windows is ...
One or more branch distribution points are targeted for this (package or deployment). This (package or deployment) can only ...
One or more branch distribution points are targeted for this (package or deployment). This (package or deployment) can only ...
One or more computers have data on this site system that is not yet restored. Are you sure you want to remove this site role? ...
One or more display names defined are not associated with any inventoried names. Either add inventoried names or delete the ...
One or more members of this collection are serving as a branch distribution point. This operation will delete all the resources ...