A PDH function could not allocate enough temporary memory to complete the operation. Close some applications or extend the pagefile and retry the function.
A parent directory of the path has already been shared or you are trying to modify the properties of a share which is online. ...
A particular certificate was not found in the trusted publishing domain. Parameter Reference Context: %1 RequestId: %2 %3 ...
A partner has requested only a subset of records. This means we won't replicate all the records in the range requested. Check ...
A PCMCIA Present targeting item allows a preference item to be applied to computers or users only if the processing computer ...
A PDH function could not allocate enough temporary memory to complete the operation. Close some applications or extend the ...
A pending interrupt was detected on device %1 during a timeout operation. A large number of these warnings may indicate that ...
A personal identification number (PIN) or a startup key on a USB memory device is required every time you start the computer. ...
A phone book is a collection of access numbers that users can dial to connect to a remote dial-up network. A phone book file ...
A physical component can be hot swapped if it is possible to replace the element with a physically different but equivalent ...