This constructor or property getter/setter method is not meant to be called directly;;'{0}' is not meant to be called directly
This collection does not support setting extensions by index. Please consider using the InsertItem or RemoveItem methods. ...
This collection of '{0}' is part of an EndpointDiscoveryMetadata instance that has been published. The contents of a published ...
This configuration is already open in another window. Only one window can be open at a time. Do you want to save the changes ...
This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the site administrator has locked access to this ...
This constructor or property getter/setter method is not meant to be called directly;;'{0}' is not meant to be called directly ...
This contains a list of ClickOnce applications that are trusted to run. You can view a list of the applications and view ...
This copies an assembly file into the cache. After the assembly has been added, the assembly can be used as a configured ...
This counter displays the amount of virtual memory (in bytes) currently committed by the Garbage Collector. (Committed memory ...
This counter displays the amount of virtual memory (in bytes) currently reserved by the Garbage Collector. (Reserved memory ...