Specified group "{0}" is not universal group. Check Active Directory to ensure correct universal group's sAMAccountName is used.
Space Used by the Data Collection Agent's dispatcher queue is at or above the error threshold. The dispatcher queue will ...
Space Used by the Data Collection Agent's dispatcher queue is at or above the warning threshold. The dispatcher queue will ...
Specified address is confirmed as partially valid or valid after translations. It can be dispatched to by a Public Safety ...
Specified address is confirmed as partially valid or valid after translations. It can be dispatched to by a Public Safety ...
Specified group "{0}" is not universal group. Check Active Directory to ensure correct universal group's sAMAccountName is ...
Specified universal group "{0}" doesn't exist in Active Directory. Check Active Directory to ensure that the correct universal ...
Specify a mirror port number. You must provide a mirror port number because this SQL Server instance is used in mirroring ...
Specify a user group that has read-only access to SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Members of this group can access ...
Specify only one of the following: the trusted application's identity, or both the TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn and its ApplicationId. ...