Magnify element thumbnails Increases the size of thumbnail images in the Gallery when you move the mouse pointer over them.
Locking cells or hiding formulas has no effect unless the sheet is protected. To protect the sheet, choose Protection from ...
Locking objects has no effect unless the sheet is protected. To protect the sheet, choose Protection from the Tools menu, ...
Looks for a value in the top row of a table or array of values and returns the value in the same column from a row you specify ...
Lower Baseline Adds subscript formatting to the selected text by lowering the text below the baseline and changing it to ...
Magnify element thumbnails Increases the size of thumbnail images in the Gallery when you move the mouse pointer over them. ...
Mail messages that are stored on a server (such as those in an IMAP account) were exported, but the originals were not deleted ...
Mail Recipient (as HTML) Inserts the active worksheet into the body of an Entourage e-mail message using the Hypertext Markup ...
Make sure Visual Basic for Applications is installed on your computer. If Visual Basic for Applications is installed, make ...
Manage the lists that you create to automatically fill cells or sort data in unique ways. For example, a custom list can ...