Select the type of object to import or export. If the other database is a Microsoft Access database, you can import or export any database objects. Otherwise, this argument is ignored.
Select the toolbar to show or hide. The list shows all built-in toolbars, followed by any custom toolbars defined in the ...
Select the type of format to output the object to. Modules can only be output to Windows(ANSI) Text format. Leave blank to ...
Select the type of format to use for the included object. Modules can be sent only in MS-DOS text format. Leave blank to ...
Select the type of icon to display in the message box: None, Critical, Warning?, Warning!, and Information. Microsoft Windows ...
Select the type of object to import or export. If the other database is a Microsoft Access database, you can import or export ...
Select the type of object to output. To output the active object, select its type with this argument, and leave the Object ...
Select the type of object to save. Leave blank to save the active object. If you leave the Object Type blank, but specify ...
Select the type of object to send. To send the active object, select its type in this argument, and leave the Object Name ...
Select the view in which to open the form: Form view, Design view, Print Preview, Datasheet view, PivotTable view, PivotChart ...