Missing record: {0}
Domain: {1}
Time of last domain check (UTC): {2}
To fix this issue, you'll need to use another website to add an autodiscover record to your domain. Don't worry. We've created step-by-step instructions to help you add the record. Follow these steps to get to the specific instructions for your domain.Tip: It could take up to 48 hours for your autodiscover record status to update in the Office 365 system. Once you've updated your records, check the Manage Domains page to verify that your domain is set up correctly. If your problem still isn't resolved, please come back and file and support ticket.
- In the Office 365 admin center, go to the Manage Domains page.
- Choose "Fix issues" next to the domain that you need to fix.
- Find the autodiscover record under CNAME records, and click "What do I fix?"
- Follow the instructions for adding the autodiscover record to your domain.
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minutes from {1} to {2} {3} minutes from {4} to {5} Contacting support won't fix this problem because it is happening due ...
minutes from {1} to {2} {3} minutes from {4} to {5} Creating a service request won't fix this problem because it is happening ...
minutes from {1} to {2} {3} minutes from {4} to {5} {6} minutes from {7} to {8} Contacting support won't fix this problem ...
minutes from {1} to {2} {3} minutes from {4} to {5} {6} minutes from {7} to {8} Creating a service request won't fix this ...
Missing record: {0} Domain: {1} Time of last domain check (UTC): {2} Actions: To fix this issue, you'll need to use another ...
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