|You are about to create a new test case for testing migrated code from Oracle to SQL Server. The wizard will walk you through all necessary steps. This process may take few minutes.
At every step of the wizard, you can save a test case for later reuse. Test cases will be saved inside the workspace.
Click Next to continue.|
Yes, generate a full backup of the primary database and restore it into the secondary database (and create the secondary ...
Yes, restore an existing backup of the primary database into the secondary database (and create the secondary database if ...
You are about to change the Chart Area auto positioning property. Changing a single Chart Area auto positioning may cause ...
You are about to connect to a new database. "Restoring Connection" will not load a new meta-database but will just create ...
You are about to create a new test case for testing migrated code from Oracle to SQL Server. The wizard will walk you through ...
You are about to delete all policy health states on the selected object and all its sub-objects. This action cannot be reverted. ...
You are about to delete all policy health states on the selected objects and all their sub-objects. This action cannot be ...
You are about to leave the panel without applying your changes. Press OK to leave the panel or Cancel to go back and apply ...
You are attempting to add a column to the index key that is already an included column. A column cannot participate in an ...