Periodically run the bank table import to import the list of banks from the CBRF (Central Bank of Russian Federation) website
Performs basic functions that all users typically need to perform. This role grants the ability to set up alerts, the ability ...
Period template %1 is already the default template for legal entity %2. There can only be one default period template per ...
Periodically process manual correspondence to define a relationship between corresponding and non-corresponding transactions ...
Periodically process translation session to view the completed translation sessions or to complete a new translation session ...
Periodically run the bank table import to import the list of banks from the CBRF (Central Bank of Russian Federation) website ...
Periods for a fiscal year must be consecutive between the first and last period defined for that fiscal year. One or more ...
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ...
Permission to perform an action in Microsoft CRM. The platform checks for the privilege and rejects the attempt if the user ...
Person - %1 - %2 cannot be associated with organization %3-%4, because it is already associated with %5-%6 at the global ...