Total Post Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the POST method (counted since service startup). Post requests are generally used for forms or gateway requests.
Total Number of Renewals/sec is the sum of the Unique and Group renewals per sec. This is the total rate at which renewals ...
Total Operations/sec is the rate the Server is performing file read and file write operations for the clients on this CPU. ...
Total Other Request Methods is the number of HTTP requests that are not OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, MOVE, ...
Total Other Request Methods is the number of HTTP requests that are not OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, MOVE, ...
Total Post Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the POST method (counted since service startup). Post requests are ...
Total Privileged Time is the average percentage of non-idle time all processors spend in privileged (kernel) mode. It is ...
Total Processor Time is the average percentage of time that all processors on the computer are executing non-idle threads. ...
Total Propfind Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the PROPFIND method (counted since service startup). Propfind ...
Total Propfind Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the PROPFIND method (since service startup). Propfind requests ...