Multiple policies per policy type is not allowed. URI: %1 The DN of the object is: %2 This update came from domain: %3 The source of the replication is %4. Cause: This can occur if more than one policy per policy type is assigned to an object in AD. Resolution: Remove duplicate policy in AD and wait for UR to sync the object in next replication cycle.
Multiple federated Edge Servers have been defined in the current topology. Specify the ProxyPool parameter to indicate which ...
Multiple federated Edge Servers have been defined in the current topology. Specify the ProxyPool parameter to indicate which ...
Multiple incoming connections on internal edge from non-internal servers. In the past %1 minutes the server received %2 incoming ...
Multiple invalid incoming certificates. In the past %1 minutes the server received %2 invalid incoming certificates. The ...
Multiple policies per policy type is not allowed. URI: %1 The DN of the object is: %2 This update came from domain: %3 The ...
Multiple pool objects found in Active Directory with the name {0} or FQDN {1}. To continue, ensure that your deployment does ...
Multiple requests for the default Dial Plan failed because a default is not defined. At least %1 different users have requested ...
Multiple SMTP addresses in proxyAddresses field is detected for the user %1. A user can have at most one SMTP address in ...
Multiple users configured with the same phone number. Phone Number %1 associated with %2 users. Cause: This could happen ...