The search property list '%1!s!' already exists in the current database. Duplicate search property list names are not allowed. Rerun the statement and specify a unique name for the search property list. For a list of the search property lists on the current database, use the sys.registered_search_property_lists catalog view.
The Script Task "{0}" uses version {1}.{2} script that is not supported in this release of Integration Services. To run the ...
The scripting options specified for TargetServerVersion and TargetDatabaseEngineType are not valid. Change the version of ...
The search property '%1!s!' already exists in the search property list. Specify a search property name that is unique within ...
The search property '%1!s!' does not exist, or you do not have permission to perform this action. Verify that the correct ...
The search property list '%1!s!' already exists in the current database. Duplicate search property list names are not allowed. ...
The search property list '%1!s!' does not exist or you do not have permission to perform this action. Verify that the correct ...
The second argument in a Top or Bottom function must be a column. The error occurred at line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/}. ...
The second table expression will be evaluated for each row in the first table. Returns the crossjoin of the first table with ...
The second table expression will be evaluated for each row in the first table. Returns the crossjoin of the first table with ...