CancelCalendarEvent Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the CancelCalendarEvent web method.
Can't remove mailbox plan "{0}" because it's a parent plan for existing recipients. Please link these recipients to a different ...
Can't remove the arbitration mailbox "{0}" because it's being used for the approval workflow for existing recipients that ...
Can't resolve site redirection template for the requested organization context change. Site validation won't be performed. ...
Can't track this message right now because a high volume of delivery reports are currently being processed. Please try again ...
CancelCalendarEvent Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the CancelCalendarEvent web method. ...
Cannot change CanStop, CanPauseAndContinue, CanShutdown, CanHandlePowerEvent, or CanHandleSessionChangeEvent property values ...
Cannot change RelocationStateRequested for relocation request '{0}' to {1}. Current RelocationStateRequested value is {2} ...
Cannot collect directory data from server {2}. This could be the result of an unexpected connectivity problem. The link state ...
Cannot collect performance monitor data from server {2}. This could be the result of a network or permissions problem. Error: ...