The process {0} has a logical source that has no logical devices, no components, and no child logical sources. Remove this logical source if it is not required, or specify valid logical devices and components.
The process {0} cannot be paused to event-collecting mode because the tag-processing reliability mode of the process is Express ...
The process {0} has a component that is not reachable. None of its event handler methods will ever get called. There is no ...
The process {0} has a logical source that has logical devices but no components. Logical devices are: {1}. Specify at least ...
The process {0} has a logical source that has logical devices. However, the first event handler has no methods that take ...
The process {0} has a logical source that has no logical devices, no components, and no child logical sources. Remove this ...
The process-related operation could not be completed at this point because the Microsoft BizTalk RFID service is shutting ...
The processes you are trying to import already exist and are started. These processes will be stopped before importing. Do ...
The product cannot be installed on this machine since it seems to be a domain controller. The products can only be installed ...
The profile '%0' contains multiple properties marked as the RDN Attribute for the data source '%1'. Exactly one RDN Attribute ...